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What makes DRICOPER DENIM different? 

"Our commitment to sustainable practices"

DRICOPER DENIM was born in the back streets of Sydney. Each collection is created with a Vintage concept in mind - The ability to wear denim over and over again. We focus on product quality, fit and authentic washes to create styles with an updated vintage look.

Working with natural fibres

"Sustainability is part of our core brand values"

DRICOPER DENIM’s efforts in SUSTAINABLE CLOTHING include producing jeans using environmentally friendly fabrics made with natural fibres like cotton, Tencel and linen. Fabrics, thread and labels are Oeko Tex 100 certified meaning it's free from harmful chemicals and dyes. 

Our approach to Environmentally friendly clothing not only consists of sustainable fabric but extends to accessories on the garment. From hang tags to bags that are shipped with products, everything is thought through to ensure there is minimal impact on our environment. The hardware used is all nickel free.

Ethical Practices


DRICOPER DENIM’s efforts in ETHICALLY SOURCED CLOTHING include working with the factories that have FAIR, SAFE, and HEALTHY WORKING CONDITIONS

FAIR TRADE; We ensure the suppliers meet cruelty-free processes like no child labour, laws pertaining to wages, overtime and paying salaries on time. Our perspective on Ethically sourced clothing expands beyond environmentally friendly clothing and also focuses on fair trade.    

SAFETY; We ensure the factory management follows all safety operations for the workers. Most importantly, fire extinguishers are provided in the facility. Fire exits are clearly marked and unobscured.    

 HEALTHY WORKING CONDITIONS; Creating ethically made clothing extends to the workers involved in the production, which is why we ensure that the supplier meets proper lighting and proper air ventilation standards during production. All workers with direct contact with Indigo are required to wear a mask. We only use hand scraping to get the vintage look and don’t do sandblasting which is harmful to the workers maintaining our commitment to ethical clothing. 

Social Responsibilty


DRICOPER DENIM’S efforts in CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY include supporting ‘The Smith Family’ and ‘Save the Children’ for children's education and well being. 

We work with suppliers that use reverse osmosis to clean the harsh chemicals to prevent any contamination of water before it is put back into the system which contributes to our eco-friendly clothing initiative. 

Doing its part to reduce waste in the most polluting industry-Fashion, DRICOPER DENIM aims to set the standards in production to care for the planet and become the industry leader in Australian ethical clothing. A brand with a vision that makes you feel better and good when you wear it.

"Designed to be lived in, worn out & loved well"

Our jeans are made for longevity